IIMC 2019 Entrance Exam Result to be declared @ iimc.ac.in on this day, know here more

Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) is likely to declare the results for its national-level entrance examination in the third week of June probably before 22 June on its official website @ iimc.ac.in. Candidates who appeared for the IIMC entrance exam can check their result on official website that is @ iimc.ac.in in the PDF Format. This year, IIMC entrance exam was conducted on 25th and 26th March for admission to various Post Graduate diploma courses offered by the institution.

Candidates who will qualify the IIMC Mass Communication Examination 2019 also need to clear the Interview and Group Discussion rounds for the final rankings list.

Steps to check IIMC 2019 Entrance Exam Results:

Step 1: Visit the official website – iimc.nic.in

Step 2: Click on the result link

Step 3: You will be directed to a new page

Step 4: Enter roll number and other important details , click submit

Step 5: IIMC Mass Communication 2019 result will be displayed on the screen

Step 7: Download and take a print out of the same for future reference

By Mr. Amit Singh

Mr. Amit Singh has completed his B.Com from Delhi University and his M. Com from IGNOU, he is currently working in an MNC as finance manager. He Lives in Delhi. Big fan of Sachin Tenudulkar, love economics, accounts, dogs, food, books. He also like writing on several topics mostly finance and current affairs as it interest him the most. Love to make friends and love to have healthy discussions and debate on social platforms on several current affair or educational topics. He has 11 years of vast experience in finance and accounts field. He also investing in share market from last 10 years. You can share yours ideas, write or feedback to me on my official email id i.e amit@madforword.com

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